Миссия "Переполох в лесу"(Forest at Risk)
fire, insect infestation, logging, urban sprawl, planted forest
Best Content
МОУ СОШ № 46 | г. Тверь
GFL Story Mariam Bear Park
urban sprawl, invasive species, landscaping waste
Best Content
Mount Everest Academy | San Diego, CA
GFL - Forest Near Lake Baikal (Zabaikalsky National Park)
fire, wildfire
Best Technical
ГБОУ Лицей-интернат № 61 | г. Улан-Удэ, Республика Бурятия
1,000 Canker's Disease
forest diseases
Best Technical
Indianola HS | Indianola, IA
Bur Oak Blight Affecting Iowa Forests
Honorable Mention
Indianola HS | Indianola, IA
Global Forest Watch: Lake Ahquabi
invasive species, honeysuckle
Honorable Mention
Indianola HS | Indianola, IA
Ice Storms Effects On Iowa Forests
ice storms
Honorable Mention
Indianola HS | Indianola, IA
G.F.L- Miramar Lake
fire, construction, land use
Honorable Mention
Mount Everest Academy | San Diego, CA
The Emerald Ash Borer's Effect on Chicago's Local Forests
insect infestation, forest diseases, invasive species, forest health, urban forests
Honorable Mention
Francis W. Parker School | Chicago, IL
Invasive Species
Honorable Mention
Francis W. Parker School | Chicago, IL
Exploring the Challenges and Benefits of Urban Forestry in the City of Chicago
insect infestation, forest diseases, planted forest, carbon cycle, urban forests, forest health, North Park Nature Center
Honorable Mention
Francis W. Parker School | Chicago, IL
Lake Ahquabi State Park Forest Health
deer, animals
Most Creative
Indianola HS | Indianola, IA
Как прекрасен этот лес, посмотри!(Our Beautiful Forest)
construction, forest fragmentation, urban sprawl, wildfire
Most Creative
МАОУ СОШ № 2 | город Реж, Свердловская область