Forests of Mission Trails
climate change, land use, wildfire, planted forest
Best Content
West Hills High School
Torrey Pines
drought, insect infestation, climate change
Best Content
Mt. Everest Academy
ПОЧЕМУ ТАК ВАЖНЫ ЛЕСА ГОРОДОВ В КОТОРЫХ МЫ ЖИВЁМ?(Why are urban forests important?)
Best Content
МОУ СОШ № 46
Pine Creek Wilderness
fire, drought, construction
Best Content
Francis Parker School
Forests of Buryatia
fire, logging, Аршан, Байкал, Верхняя Березовка
Best in Show
ГБОУ Лицей-интернат № 61
Mission Trails Regional Park
fire, climate change, land use, wildfire, river, dry
Best Technical
Mt. Miguel High School
Международный лесной диалог(Ecology of local Forests (Village Sosnovo, Perm Krai))
insect infestation, logging, замусоренность
Best Technical
МБОУ СОШ села Сосново
FuMing ecological park environmental protection plan
forest diseases
Best Technical
Сходненский ковш(Building an echo trail in Skhodnenskaya bowl)
Community Impact
ГБОУ СОШ № 827
Рассказа старичка лесовичка про Мосальский бор(The Old Forest Keeper’s tales of the Mosalsky woods)
insect infestation
Most Creative
МКОУ Мосальская СОШ №1
Mission Trails Regional Park
fire, conversion to agricultural land, planted forest
Most Creative
Mt. Miguel High School